Monday, October 22, 2007

CoCo's Stone Soup

CoCo’s Stone Soup (Serves 2-3 persons)

2 potatoes – skin and cut into small chunks
2 carrots – skin and cut into small chunks
2 medium onions – skin and quarter it
1 tomato – quarter it

1 chicken back bone
1 chicken boneless thigh meat

1. Boil your chicken bone in half a pot of water for about 15mins. It can be chicken bone or pork bone. **
2. Put in the potatoes and carrots and boil until it turns slightly soft
3. When the hard vegetables have turned slightly soft, add in your tomato, onion and chicken thigh meat.
4. Add a pinch of salt and continue boiling till the meat is cooked.
5. When the meat is cooked (5-10mins), remove the meat and chop it up. I fried up some cabbage earlier while the soup is boiling, so I just place the chicken on top of the cabbage and serve.
6. Remove the chicken bone from the soup
7. Taste the soup and flavour accordingly and only if necessary.
8. Serve with rice and cut chilli padi.

** Boiling bones add much more flavour to the soup, which means less salt is needed when flavouring. Boiling the bones instead of the meat would also mean more tender meat.

Why is it called stone soup? There's actually a story behind it. See it here. But mine stone soup has less ingredients... :)

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